Part 2

God is my Shepherd
And I am his little lamb.
He feeds me
He guides me
He looks after me.
I have everything I need.

Psalm 23 (The Jesus Storybook Bible)

Good morning! How is everyone doing today? Let’s get started!

1. Breakfast and AWARENESS: How are you feeling today in your body and soul?

Take a moment to check in with each other.
Feeling like a stretch? Let’s go!

Try this with your child:

  • Stand with your legs apart and arms above your head.

  • Now stretch and move your arms down slowly to one side as far as you can go.

  • Do the same to the other side. Are you stretching your arms? (Keep your body facing forward!)

  • Do this from side to side several times – you are making a RAINBOW!

We will see today that the rainbow means ‘hope’. Do the exercise again slowly…what are you hoping for today? If you have any doubts that something good can happen today, tell God about those feelings. And ask for some new hope.

You might want to share with each other what you hoped for.

2. Lunch and BIBLE THOUGHT: Genesis 1: 3-5 (The Jesus Storybook Bible), Genesis 9:13 (New Living Translation)

‘God said, “Hello light!” and the light shone into the darkness. God called the light, “Day” and the darkness, “Night.” You’re good,” said God and they were.’

We’re going to look at the light that God made a little more closely today:

  • Do you know what colour light is? Try to guess. 

  • Did you know that sunlight (or white light) is made of lots of different colours all mixed up?!

  • Take a look at this:

  • Why don’t you try the mirror and glass of water experiment too?

What do you think of when you see a rainbow? And why is a rainbow so special to many people? In the Bible, God uses a rainbow as a symbol of his promise to Noah and his family that he would never again bring a flood over the whole earth.

God said,” I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my promise with you and with all the earth.”

So when we see a rainbow we remember that God has promised to look after us.

Try this:

  • Draw rainbows (with pens, paint, or stick on lots of little coloured pieces of paper…) Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red .

  • Stick them up on your windows for your neighbours to see.

  • When people pass by and look at your rainbows, pray a blessing on them so that they will know God’s hope too: ‘May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace.’

3. Dinner and DAY’S REFLECTION:

1. What has worked today?

Ask each other what they think.

2. Think about a reward you could have tomorrow for doing so well today. Maybe a rainbow pizza!! Or…

3. Try this:

  • Light your candle together, and pray for family and friends, people who are sick, and for the doctors and the nurses.

  • And for your neighbours who saw your rainbows today. Pray that they would know peace and hope in God at this time.

Sleep well…zzzzzzzzz

Parents’/ Guardians’ Page

Just an idea…..

Try using a white board/poster on the wall displaying your family’s daily/weekly schedule. You could use coloured post-it notes to represent the different activities: work, play, learning, exercise, pray etc. Then, without any anxiety, what doesn’t get done today can simply be moved to tomorrow.

How Italian children have coped:  (this involves rainbows and light in the darkness!)

Let your children get bored?

Jenny Walley