Day 5: Who is My Neighbour?

Written by Jenny Walley

Morning Prayer

We respond to your invitation, O God.
As we are, we come.
We offer to you the hostilities that shape us, the hostilities we carry, the hostilities that carry us.
In these matters, move us from hostility to hospitality.
Be our guard, for we guard ourselves too much.
Be our protector, that we need not overprotect ourselves.
Create in us a space, a room, a place—
free and friendly space where the stranger may be welcomed—
that we may be at home in our own house—
that we may be healed of hurts we carry in the soul—
that we may know brother and sisterhood—
that we may know kindness—
that we may laugh easily—
that we may know beauty
Nudge, guide, entice, prod. Move us to live within your will.
To the end that within this flesh, within this house in which we live,
we may be at home with you, our neighbor, with ourselves.
Thus we pray, remembering Christ who says,
"I stand at the door and knock."
Create in us a place of hospitality. Amen.
---John Stott


Midday Reflection

God of mercy,
who sees us in our fallen state with compassion,
give us hearts that desire to be a neighbor and care for those around us,
that we would become like you and live in a world that is characterized by love,
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who demonstrated love to the utmost
and lives with you and the Holy Spirit in perfect relationship.

Who is my neighbour?

Read Luke 10:25-37 slowly a couple of times and as you read, imagine the events unfold in front of you.

Let’s look at some of the relationships near and far away from us.

Who are the people in my home? My neighbourhood?Do I know their joys and struggles? What is one way that I can practically move toward them in this time of isolation? 

What about the wider world? What is the state of people’s thoughts, feelings, actions around the world? What brokenness is becoming apparent? What life does God want to speak into this? How might he be inviting me to participate in speaking life over the situation in the world?

Ask God now to open your eyes to those in your own neighbourhood. Who else is isolated? Who needs practical help? A listening ear? Just a kind word? What can you do to connect with the people in your neighbourhood and to love them well?

Now look at those in your own home again. What is the invitation for you to speak life over those with whom you live? To love them with your words and your actions? As you stand with Jesus, what does he want to show you about those who are right in front of you?


An evening prayer of examen on the day

Each evening before going to bed, take some time to sit with God, reviewing the day and considering the following questions: 

What has been good today? 

Take some time to write down everything you are thankful for...the taste of your morning coffee, something that made you laugh, a conversation you had, something you read, anything. Thank God for these moments.

What has been hard? 

When did you feel disconnected? What feelings came up that were uncomfortable? What unresolved thoughts do you have? What anxieties, fears or worries did you encounter? Speak these out to God, and listen for what he might say to you about them.

Ask God to show you how he was with you in the good and the hard today. Thank him for His presence and receive His grace. 

What does it look like to trust him for tomorrow?

RetreatJenny Walley