Curated COVID-19 Resources

Resources for Yourself

See also Resources for Families & Community, Resources for helping others, Recursos en Español

Because this Global Health and Financial Crisis impacts us all in a multitude of ways, we have listed our resources according to the most common concerns workers might have at this time. We will be updating this list and the resources under each heading regularly.


Featured Resource: From Isolation to Invitation

A two-week guide for retreat in a time of quarantine
by Jenny Walley, Dr. Matthew Green, and Tanya Lyons

Spiritual Rhythms

From Isolation to Invitation – A 14 day guide for spiritual rhythms in times of quarantine.

Lament - Sharing your heart with God  (Larry Warner) A prayer exercise to help you write a psalm of lament, complaint, or disorientation.

Examen for Life During COVID-19 (Multiple languages)  Practicing the Examen and soul search in view of COVID-19.

Connecting with God During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Myra Perrine) Some helpful practices for meeting with God in this time based on your spiritual temperament.

Prayer Prompts for the Pandemic (Ardath Smith, SentWell) 31 themes of intercessory prayer for the pandemic.

Video Pandemic Blessing (Dan Erickson, Novo).  A blessing for ministers of the good news during pandemic.

An article and prayer exercise to explore our core values in a time of crisis. (Catriona Futter).

Managing Reactions

Shop Talk (James Covey & Brandi Welterlen) - Podcast exploring cross cultural living and work, highlighting the effects of COVID-19.

Why are we so tired? (James Covey) - Why the global pandemic has worn us out and what to do about it.

Tips for Maintaining Sanity Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic (SentWell) - Reactions and behaviors to decrease and increase in internal and external world during pandemic.

Conseil pour faire face au confinement (Sentwell) Pour se faire, occupez-vous de votre monde intérieur/ extérieur.

Practical ideas to cope with pandemic lockdown (Sentwell) - List of ideas to deal with lockdown for emotional, spiritual, physical and relational health.

Understanding grief (MMCT) Understanding the types of losses being experienced and grief related to them.

Managing Anxiety and Other Reactions to COVID-19 (Headington Institute) Understanding and managing anxiety and other reactions.

Media Exposure and Anxiety  (Headington Institute) Tips to manage exposure to media.

Who has my back (Headington institute) what communities can do to have a balanced sense of safety during the pandemic.

Dealing with Social Distancing and Isolation: Unique Challenges for Humanitarians (Headington institute).

Video: An interview with Anna Hampton – Drawing on Anna’s research and personal experience with risk assessment.

Book: Facing Danger: A Guide through Risk (Anna Hampton) Provides a spiritual and practical framework for working through cross-cultural risk assessment and management.

Video: Navigating the stress of lockdown – Alex Galloway’s interview with Neal & Anna on navigating the stress of the lockdown of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Video Coping through Creativity during Pandemic (Alex Galloway, Emma Uebele) Interview on how we can enlist our creativity during the pandemic.

Video  Attending to your Body during Pandemic (Alex Galloway, Emma Uebele).

First Aid Arts Mini Toolkit (First Aid Arts) Science-based First Aid Arts activities to address stress, boost your mental and emotional immune system, and build resilience.

Managing the Covid Crisis - This graph will help orient you in the Covid Crisis.

Practical Helps

6 Tips to Help Navigate Working Remotely – James Covey.

Survival Guide to Raising Support During the Coronavirus (Support Raising solutions) heart postures and strategies for connecting with ministry partners during the coronavirus pandemic.

Stay or Leave During Covid-19? (Thrive WorldWide) How to make & cope with your decision about staying or leaving your place of service.

Video The Journey Toward New normal (Jeff Campbell) 13-minute power point training: Identifying the personal and relational challenges of the search for New Normal.

Other SentWell Resources – Please see our general resources page for other topics that are surfacing during this season.