
I was recently talking with a friend about the story of Jesus calming the storm. The disciples were, understandably, afraid. They were desperately working to right the problem, to rescue themselves and their boat, whilst Jesus slept. As we were talking about this contrast between their fear and Jesus’ calmness upon waking, the question came into my head, “What could he see that they couldn’t?”

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RetreatJenny Walley
Day 3: On Loss and Worship

At the time of writing, I am sitting with my children as they grieve the loss of our trip to visit their grandparents in America. As I enter into their grief about this, my temptation is to say something like, “It’s okay. At least we have a roof over our heads,” or something else to minimize their sadness.

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RetreatJenny Walley
Day 4: Gratitude

Right now, wherever you are, take time to become aware of your surroundings. Listen to the birdsong out your window. Notice the weather outside, the drink in your hand. Become aware that God, who is perfect love, is with you, right here, right now.

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RetreatJenny Walley
Day 5: Who is My Neighbour?

We respond to your invitation, O God. As we are, we come. We offer to you the hostilities that shape us, the hostilities we carry, the hostilities that carry us. In these matters, move us from hostility to hospitality. Be our guard, for we guard ourselves too much. Be our protector, that we need not overprotect ourselves…Move us to live within your will. ---John Stott

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RetreatJenny Walley
Day 6: Do Not Worry...Really?

Notice where, in the past few days you have felt ill at ease. What tensions are rising up? Do you have physical pain or knots in your stomach? Are your thoughts racing from one catastrophe to another? Do you feel unexplained listlessness, despair or confusion?

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RetreatJenny Walley
Day 8: The Gift of Your Own Company

In 1 Corinthians 13 we learn what love is like by looking at how God loves us. The more we know God the better we are able to rest in his perfect love. This passage describes who he is and how he holds us. As you sit with your thoughts and emotions, what might he invite you to release to him today?

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RetreatJenny Walley
Day 10: The Hem of His Garment

I have been given roles to play and tasks to accomplish, but at the deepest core of my being, God does not view me through the lens of roles, culture or denomination (i.e. mother, sister, Anglican, Baptist, Presbyterian, doctor, shop owner, or something else ). I am now clothed with Christ's righteousness, with full pardon from guilt and full acceptance from God.

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RetreatJenny Walley
Day 11: Come to Me

Take some time to become aware of your breath. Breathe deeply and consider the following questions: What am I thinking about? What emotions am I feeling? How does my body feel? Lord, how are you with me right now? Is there a verse or a phrase you (God) want me to remember today?

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RetreatJenny Walley
Day 12: Blessing the World

God has invited us to join him in his plan to reconcile the whole of creation to himself. Gordon T. Smith in his book, Courage and Calling, suggests that each of us sees the brokenness of the world a little bit differently, and that what we see is an invitation to go with God as a healing agent to that brokenness.

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RetreatJenny Walley
Day 13: Owe Nothing but Love

You are not alone. You were created in love and for love. While this time of isolation may have been a dark season of loneliness, loss, sadness, or disconnection you have never been outside of the love and embrace of God.

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RetreatJenny Walley
Day 14: Gathering Gifts

As you come to the end of these two weeks of isolation you may be preparing to go back to normal life or you may be preparing for further isolation. Regardless of what’s next for you, take some time to reflect on the gifts of the past two weeks during your prayer time this morning.

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RetreatJenny Walley
About the Contributors

Thank you to Ellen Burany, Iain Campbell, Dr. Matthew Green, Tammy Lundell, Tanya Lyons, Derek Rice, and Jenny Walley for contributing their time and talents in creation of this great resource.

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RetreatJenny Walley