Day 11: Come to Me

Morning prayer

Take some time to become aware of your breath. Breathe deeply and consider the following questions: 

  • What am I thinking about? 

  • What emotions am I feeling?

  • How does my body feel?

  • Lord, how are you with me right now?

  • Is there a verse or a phrase you (God) want me to remember today? 

As you breathe, let the rhythm of your breath become a prayer. 

Breathe in, “You are with me,” Breathe out “I am not alone.”

Breathe in, “Lord Jesus Christ,” Breathe out, “I receive your love.”

Breathe in, “Prince of Peace,” Breathe out, “I rest in you.”

Whatever truth you need to hear today, let that become your breath prayer. 

Father, I trust you today to hold the people I love, to attend to the things I have left undone, and to meet me in my place of worry, doubt or fear. I turn my eyes and ears toward you and I look for how you want to love me today. Amen.


Midday Reflection

Steadfast Jesus,
who was always working as you saw the Father work,
keep us connected to you and in remembrance that the Spirit is present,
that we would not take on life alone and in our own strength,
but work with you and the desires you have for us, 
who with the Father and Spirit enjoy perfect union and invite us to join.

Simply come
Written by Jenny Walley and Ellen Burany

Today you are invited simply to come. May you hear the invitation of Jesus to lay down your burden. 

At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do. “All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 NIV

It was common for a rabbi to invite an apprentice to take on his “yoke.” The picture of being yoked as two oxen signified submission to a master teacher. Jesus’ listeners were aware of this imagery but would have been surprised the invitation was made to  all who would respond to it. Other rabbis would only invite elite students to take on the yoke of a rabbi, as the success or failure of the student would reflect on the rabbi.

Equally surprising is the description of the yoke as something which is easy and light. Pulling a yoke is grueling work, yet as we submit and surrender to Christ in humility, we discover the ease of wearing a yoke which fits perfectly. We are not alone; the Lord himself is partnered with us. His commands are not burdensome, because they are the way to life. 

As we submit to our gentle and humble Rabbi Jesus, we begin to let go of our expectations of ourselves and others, as well as our need to prove our worth. We let him teach us this way of gentleness and humility and it leads to life. As we learn from him we live his commands from the very core of our being, letting God himself transform us into his image. 

Today, let’s respond to his invitation to come to him. Read through verses 29 and 30  (written below), line by line, and imagine you are having a conversation with Jesus. Read each line and respond with what’s in your heart. For example, when he says, “Come to me,” you may realize you’re hesitant to come, or you might be apprehensive about where he’ll take you, or you might be pleased to draw close to him. It’s okay to be honest in your response and there’s no right or wrong answer. Continue the back and forth through the lines of the passage below.

          Come to me

         All of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens

         And I will give you rest

         Take my yoke upon you

         Let me teach you

         Because I am humble and gentle

         And you will find rest for your souls

         For my yoke fits perfectly

         And the burden I give you is light.

Spend some time to be quiet and let God’s truth sink in.


An evening prayer of examen on the day

Each evening before going to bed, take some time to sit with God, reviewing the day and considering the following questions: 

What has been good today? 

Take some time to write down everything you are thankful for...the taste of your morning coffee, something that made you laugh, a conversation you had, something you read, anything. Thank God for these moments.

What has been hard? 

When did you feel disconnected? What feelings came up that were uncomfortable? What unresolved thoughts do you have? What anxieties, fears or worries did you encounter? Speak these out to God, and listen for what he might say to you about them.

Ask God to show you how he was with you in the good and the hard today. Thank him for His presence and receive His grace. 

What does it look like to trust him for tomorrow?

RetreatJenny Walley