Day 10: The Hem of His Garment

Art by I.D. Campbell

Morning Prayer

For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV

Notice your body today. Where do you feel tension, pain, discomfort? Where do you feel good, healthy, strong? Take a few minutes to relax your body. Roll your shoulders, tighten and release your toes, fingers, hands, feet, any muscles that feel tense. When you feel sufficiently aware of your body, begin to acknowledge to yourself and to God the words below.

I have a body that is here. My body has limitations. I am not infinite. I cannot grant everybody's wishes. I am grateful for the truth that I am not God. Only God can meet all the needs that surround me. Thank you, Lord, for being there in my weakness and for meeting my needs as well as the needs of those around me.

Now, notice the roles that you play in life: In your family, at work, church, organizations and hobbies. As you list these roles, notice how attached you are to each of them. Acknowledge to yourself and to God the words below.

I have been given roles to play and tasks to accomplish, but at the deepest core of my being, God does not view me through the lens of roles, culture or denomination (i.e. mother, sister, Anglican, Baptist, Presbyterian, doctor, shop owner, or something else ). I am now clothed with Christ's righteousness, with full pardon from guilt and full acceptance from God. I am precious in God's eyes. God calls me His beloved. And by the Spirit, at the core of my personality, I have put on His fruits of love, compassion, humility, kindness, forgiveness, gentleness, patience, self-control, peace and goodness. That is who I truly am in Christ. 

Take some time with God to notice what you struggle to believe in the words you’ve just said. May he meet you today with a deeper acceptance of the truth of who you are.



Midday Reflection

Great physician,
who formed us and knows our workings,
each of us bears weaknesses and hurts - bleedings that will not cease.
Bring healing to our broken bodies and hearts,
and give us the patience and support to bear under our infirmitieswhen you are still working through them,
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives with you and the Holy Spirit, one God.

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The Hem of His Garment, I.D. Campbell 2017, Oil on Canvas, 30” x 40”

This painting recreates the moment when a woman, desperate for physical and social healing, seizes the moment at hand and reaches out to Jesus. Iain chose to paint this woman, not just meekly touching, but hanging on to Jesus.

The models for this painting all work in The Wild Olive Tree café, situated inside St George’s Tron Church of Scotland. The model portraying the woman who was healed was chosen because of her story of restoration and her testimony of what Jesus had done for her.

Take some time to look at the painting, listen to Asha’s testimony, and marvel at our good God who meets us no matter what our brokenness looks like.


An evening prayer of examen on the day

Each evening before going to bed, take some time to sit with God, reviewing the day and considering the following questions: 

What has been good today? 

Take some time to write down everything you are thankful for...the taste of your morning coffee, something that made you laugh, a conversation you had, something you read, anything. Thank God for these moments.

What has been hard? 

When did you feel disconnected? What feelings came up that were uncomfortable? What unresolved thoughts do you have? What anxieties, fears or worries did you encounter? Speak these out to God, and listen for what he might say to you about them.

Ask God to show you how he was with you in the good and the hard today. Thank him for His presence and receive His grace. 

What does it look like to trust him for tomorrow?

RetreatJenny Walley